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Old Town Alexandria

It has been a relatively mild winter this year, especially compared to my first one when I moved to Virginia with the 2016 blizzard....

George Washington Masonic Memorial

The Washington Monument has reopened but I skipped that line for the Washington Memorial in Alexandria, VA instead. Appropriately modeled...


As a passing year came to its end, I enjoyed a trip vacationing down in Charleston, SC. It was a much welcomed break from the cold in...

Tudor Place

Exploring Washington, DC, one can discover many places connected to George Washington himself. Of these though, Tudor Place in the...

House of the Temple

Headquarters for the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, the House of the Temple was designed by John Russell Pope who...

Texas State Capitol

"It's taller than the US Capitol back in Washington, you know. I remember the stone being pink but it looks browner today," a coworker...

New York Ave

Growing up in Charlotte, NC, there was a small plaque embedded in a downtown sidewalk. As far as I know, it is still there and hundreds...

Angels Watching Over

“This is the closest one can get to the White House without being there,” I overheard someone say in the Indian Treaty Room. I stood by a...


When I moved to Washington, one of the first buildings I photographed was the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Standing out in front...

One Mint Julep

Most would not consider the mint julep to be a marvel but it would have been at Sweet Springs in the 1830s. The drink, introduced by...

The Leviathan

Two years after the Titanic disaster, a German-built ship that was larger and far more deluxe than its infamous predecessor sailed to New...

The Capitol

"The problem with classical architecture is that it's inimitably photographable," a friend sighed across National Statuary Hall from its...

Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

"Home is where you hang your hat." Or, if you're like me, where you nail up rose-head nails and other relics. A brick from Sweet Springs,...

The White House

“Would you be interested in a White House tour?” I was asked by a friend. Is the sky blue? Is the White House whisper white? No question,...

Mt. Vernon

It's easy to wear a rut between work and home, especially if you are a creature of habit like me. When I moved from Charlottesville to...

The Library

For almost two years now, I have worked as a historical researcher based out of the Library of Congress. My family thinks that has been a...

Hunca Munca

It was often said that Charlottesville seemed straight from a storybook. For two years, I lived next to a beautiful place with red brick...

The Old Sweet

"There's only one stop sign between Charlottesville and Sweet Springs," I was told when planning my first site visit to the derelict...

The Big Boat

For many children, their first memory of Walt Disney World is Mickey Mouse or fairy tale princesses but mine was "the big boat." A...

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