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  • Writer's pictureBaxter Craven


Updated: Jun 17, 2021

A month late to report but I am nonetheless pleased to say that my DuoLingo streak reached 365 days on March 12th. This means that I routinely practiced reading, listening, and speaking a second language for one entire year. The course in Portuguese was thoroughly completed and I made great progress with both Spanish and French. Beyond those three, I dabbled in a variety of other languages like Italian, German, and Irish, but it is with Portuguese that I have truly excelled.

Having completed the DuoLingo Portuguese course on day 179, I have been continuing to educate myself with a private teacher down in São Paulo. With her help and expertise, I am thrilled not only with my comprehension but she has also fostered a passion for reading Brazilian literature. Classics like Dom Casmurro and O Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma have found places on my bookcase alongside translations of Edgar Allan Poe.

Although the world may have shrunk down to the confines of our homes during quarantine, this has helped make the world a bigger place for me again. On DuoLingo, this milestone was the last achievement that I could possibly unlock for a reward. Although I might say that I am finished with the app as such, I am excited to keep refining my skills. From here, the rewards will be found utilizing what I have learned and continue to learn.

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