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  • Writer's pictureBaxter Craven

Angels Watching Over

Updated: May 26, 2020

“This is the closest one can get to the White House without being there,” I overheard someone say in the Indian Treaty Room. I stood by a window trying to photograph the executive residence but I was vexed by lights reflected on the glass. Dozens of snapshots must have been taken before I found my perfect angle, yet that ideal view might have been with those lamps in it.

Around the library were four globes held by putti personifying peace. Although beautiful in and of themselves, they were not the focus of my camera lens which admittedly frustrated me in that moment. Playing with brightness and contrast later though, one of those little angels appeared right over the White House. And, it has become absolutely delightful to me in retrospect.

There’s just something completely comforting about that image, don’t you think? To see angels watching over.

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