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  • Writer's pictureBaxter Craven


Fives years after my graduation from the University of Virginia, I returned this past weekend to celebrate a friend receiving her Ph.D. I have not been back much since commencement and I regret that. However, it was good to be there again.

After the ceremony, the last one that day, I walked across Grounds to see my old room and to step inside the Rotunda for a moment. The Academical Village had largely emptied of its crowds by then except for several residents winding down their festivities. An unseasonably hot day, the wide arcades provided much-appreciated shade. It was a joy for me to stop in front of 11 West Range and the Edgar Allan Poe room next door, hearing the same recording I heard thousands of times while living there. "Born in Eighteen Nine, Edgar Allan Poe..."

Tundy looked even more beautiful than before as Hoos have had time to make use of it since the big renovation which sought to better utilize interior spaces. At home, I still look at those shadow boxes I created from the flecks of marble chipped off during this restoration work and they continue to inspire me. I treasure the memories I made with people met there. The invitation to make one more on my friend's very special day meant a lot.

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