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  • Writer's pictureBaxter Craven


Updated: Jun 17, 2021

I like to doodle. As seen in my previous blog post Uma Chácara, I especially like to doodle small homes. When playing around, I try to pay equal attention to utility and efficiency as well as aesthetics. The age old debate of form vs function has always seemed silly to me when these architectural concepts should be harmonious with each other.

The reader will undoubtedly see that this plan is an update of the chácara but refined and cleaned up after six months of revisions. Influence from my time living on the Range at UVA feels obvious but boiled down to an easily digestible form that could be constructed. To me, it feels very much like Jefferson’s Poplar Forest with the large glass wall in back recalling his parlor windows. Referencing plans by Palladio, the source of inspiration for TJ, I took notes from the façade of Villa Saraceno.

The result to me is an interesting plan that is both classic and modern but completely versatile for reinterpretation in other styles. It is open in many ways but compartmentalized for some privacy too. There is a rationale that feels ultra clean and difficult to clutter but with just enough wall space for me to hang up photographs, paintings, memorabilia, and posters that I would like to display.

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